Self Care Heather Jones Self Care Heather Jones

Aloha Kauai

It was a 7 hour and 40 minute flight. We left a little after noon and arrived Hawaii time around 4:30….it was very surreal, I kept pinching myself…

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blog Heather Jones blog Heather Jones

Preparing for Hawaii

How often does a single mom get to go on a trip like this? Not often. But I’m more than ready to jet off on a plane across the ocean to an island in the sand where I can take 7 days and regather.

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Heather Jones Heather Jones

Legalism Is a Fear-Based Culture that Leads to a Complex Life

So how does legalism create a complex life? The legalistic Christian has created a culture that believes following rituals and rules makes them closer to God. This Christian sub-culture believes they bring glory to God by not engaging the folks that Jesus came to save.

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