Heather Jones Heather Jones

There’s something wrong with me

However an hour or so later when I tried to talk to my husband again about why I was angry he said something that made me really think about the origin of what had happened…which really was insignificant and would have been no logical reason for me to get so upset. It was something I should have just brushed off, but I turned it into such a big thing for no reason!

I have done this numerous times in my life, all in the moment I feel my anger is valid, then after I settle down, I see the reality of my inability to control my emotions. I seem to be able to control my emotions fine around strangers and in the work place, but with people I love, I can’t control it.

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blog Heather Jones blog Heather Jones

The Chosen

I’ve been fascinated with “The Chosen” since I first heard it needed funding to get off the ground back in 2019 at the height of so much change in my life…divorce.

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Bible Verse Heather Jones Bible Verse Heather Jones

What is True Faith?

Hebrews 11:1 states, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." This verse encapsulates the essence of faith, illustrating it as both a foundation and a conviction. Faith provides assurance in what one anticipates in the future while also affirming the reality of spiritual truths that are not immediately visible.

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blog Heather Jones blog Heather Jones

When You Have Bad Theology

Spiritual abuse is real. It’s something pastors can do to their churches. It’s something parents can do to their children, it’s something friends can convince you of and it’s often things that are coated with little bits of truth but not the whole truth and then just like the snake deceived Eve, you can also be deceived and think things about God’s character that are not true.

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Bible Verse Heather Jones Bible Verse Heather Jones

Finding Comfort in God’s Love

God's love provides strength and peace, offering security beyond worldly challenges and affirming our worth. In distress, reflecting on this love connects us to something greater. Scripture emphasizes grace, mercy, and compassion, guiding us through prayer and meditation towards renewed hope.

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blog Heather Jones blog Heather Jones

Today is My Birthday

I am 43 years old today. My husband ordered me a Chic-Fil-A breakfast before I even officially got out of bed and the kids had cards and gifts waiting for me on the kitchen island. It was nice to be showered by gifts first thing when I woke up this morning and even better to read my kids’ heartfelt cards.

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blog Heather Jones blog Heather Jones

Our Honeymoon

All about our honeymoon in Cancun, we took almost a year after we actually got married.

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blog Heather Jones blog Heather Jones

Blind Spots

Blind spots are just that. Spots you can’t see very clearly and only after careful examination will you be able to understand what you’ve been missing.

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blog Heather Jones blog Heather Jones

9 months later…

We have a beautiful home. The boys have a church family that loves them and our work is very rewarding, but very demanding and time consuming. Sometimes it feels like that’s all we do. But it’s at least work we are doing for His kingdom and there’s no greater reward than that.

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Bible Verse Heather Jones Bible Verse Heather Jones

Isaiah 40:31

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will sour on wings like eagles: they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not be faint.

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Bible Verse Heather Jones Bible Verse Heather Jones

Matthew 6:25

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is life not more than food, and the body more than clothes?”

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