Preparing for Hawaii
In just one week I am going to Hawaii! An all expenses paid trip to Hawaii! I have always had to work really hard for everything in my life, so the fact that something like this has happened to me, I’m just dumbfounded.
This my be the only opportunity I get in my lifetime to go to Hawaii, so I am going to enjoy it and soak up every bit of the fun and adventure. I have already packed most of my suitcase, shopped for a new swimsuit and sundress and floppy hat. I’ve packed my drone, go-pro and iphone gimbal (a week early might I add). If that doesn’t spell excited, I don’t know what does!? I bought my travel toiletries today with some new sunglasses and made lists of things I need to do before I go.
How often does a single mom get to go on a trip like this? Not often. But I’m more than ready to jet off on a plane across the ocean to an island in the sand where I can take 7 days and regather. I thank God for this. I know this is a gift from God.
God thank you for the chance to rest and regenerate. I hope to come back to my boys well rested and with a better, different new perspective that will make me a better mother, friend, business owner and person.