Wednesday’s Waterfalls

I woke up Wednesday morning and decided to attend the class that was being taught at Anchor Bible collage before heading out to adventure.

On this day, we decided we wanted to go see some of the waterfalls nearby.

[find and name the two waterfalls you saw]

We first saw Wailua Falls.

Then after visiting that one, we still had time so we looked up other nearby waterfalls and went to Opaeka’s Falls. We somehow drove past this one and had to back track a little but it was still nice.

After that, we got very hungry and tried to find a place that served good fish Tacos. We found Tiki Tacos and it was okay. It wasn’t my favorite because the tacos were extremely messy to eat and way overfilled. Probably a good fourth of a cup of juice dripped out my taco making it very soggy. I tried eating part of it with a fork until I just gave up on it. The fish tasted more like chicken than fish so I think it was cooked too long. But the funny thing about this place is they actually give you a water gun to help fight the chickens off. If you get distracted at all or leave your food for any reason, that chicken will take your food and run with it. So there’s nothing like eating out doors trying to shoot chickens away with a water gun.

We ate dinner Wednesday night with the other students, then went to the beach for a little bit and spotted some whales traveling in a pod in the distance. It was so neat!

Whales traveling in a pod.

There’s something so rejuvenating about listening to ocean waves. I feel like it cleanses my spirit, lifts my worries and helps me to reset. I needed a reset.


Thursday’s Island hop


Tuesday at Waimea Canyon