In 24 Hours I will be on a plane!

My bags are packed, I’m ready to go!

I’ve checked off all the things I need to check off. I’m still going to be working from time to time, but my workation starts now! This is what I’ve always wanted to do. Travel and work….while I’m still pretty much grounded to Colorado because I have boys to raise, I’m not too far away from that dream. I’ve come a long way in five years since 2019, where I was newly divorced and no idea how to support myself.

Now my struggle is “TIME”. Being overloaded with work and fitting in all the projects one human can work on at a time. Being a solopreneur, that can create a lot of stress.

After all this solopreneur is also the bookkeeper, the calendar scheduler, the project planner and the implementer. Oh and lets not forget single mom, meaning I’m also the chauffeur, chef, housekeeper, and referee to two boys who fight with each other all the time.

That can create a lot of stress, but I am hoping this trip gives me some perspective and helps me learn how to balance things better, say no or set boundaries with people better or even possibly find some assistants to take over parts of my business so I can focus on what I do best.

Sometimes distance gives you perspective. I know whenever there have been times in my life where I wanted to gain clarity, I went for a hike, I climbed a mountain, sat on a rock and looked down at where I came from. From there, I could see the problems clearer. When you are right smack in the middle of it, it’s hard to have clarity sometimes.

I’ve made better decisions when I’ve done this and this year it’s time to change things so that I am not always in survival mode. It’s not the way people should live on a permanent basis. I need to be able to breathe and not work until 10 or 11pm at night and part of doing that is taking on fewer projects and charging just a bit more than I do right now.


Aloha Kauai


Learning Better Business Practices