Being Caught Up. Something Borrowed. Eye sight

I have not written a gratitude post since the first of January! Yikes! But I have a good excuse…well maybe. It’s not because I haven’t been grateful, it’s just because I’ve been trying to fit in a lot of work that I missed while being sick.

I am finally caught up!

So the three things I am grateful for are:

  1. Being caught up on my work

  2. A friend lending me a lens for my canon that takes much better shots! (Thank you friend!)

  3. My eye site. During covid my eye site got blurry. I didn’t understand it. I think it was partially due to stress from having to reschedule or say no to so may people and then working many nights to catch up on all my work which made me spend hours in front of a screen with no breaks. I think it gave me a little eye strain. I am now seeing things much clearer!


Yes, Peace is still my word for 2023


You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup