Your Passion is Your Calling

I do love this thought because it means that God puts the desire in our hearts to fulfill our purpose. For a long time I thought that my passions were selfish. But I am learning that my perspective has been wrong. I want to create stunning emotionally moving videos for people. I want them to help tell a story.

But sometimes there’s struggle along the way from following your passion that causes discouragement.

If everything came easy to everyone, everyone would do it, and then would it really be worth doing? I think anything worth doing, worth having will be something that you have to work toward…or in my case, spend money toward.

I’ll just share my recent struggle here. I have spent all weekend trying to find or make the camera gear I have work with the new gimbal I bought. I’m learning that I most likely will have to spend even more money to get what I want, but I feel like these purchases are necessary for my business. I know that without them, I just won’t be able to make as much money and I couldn’t really call myself a professional. Sometimes you have to spend money to make money.

I am traveling here in a month where I plan on using my best camera gear to get some of the best shots for my reel/portfolio that will hopefully help jump start the video side of my company!

I want to be able to team up with other freelance videographers and make money on some projects. I want to have a team of freelancers I can call on for help with a video project. I’ve been actively searching but haven’t found anyone yet that doesn’t already have a day job or school, but my goal for 2023 is to really up my video production game!


Deuteronomy 31:8


Legalism Is a Fear-Based Culture that Leads to a Complex Life