Aloha Kauai

Flying in to Lihue

It was a 7 hour and 40 minute flight. We left a little after noon and arrived Hawaii time around 4:30. I kept myself busy keeping up with my kids via text as the plane hurled me through the air at over 500 miles per hour out in the middle of the ocean!

It was very surreal. I kept wanting to pinch myself. I had the kids squared away with their dad and a friend down the street and I here I am… kid free for a whole 8 days!

When the plane landed we got off and were immediately greeted by baby chickens in baggage claim, then a lovely ride over to Anchor House School of the Bible where I will be staying during my trip.

We dropped our things off and went to grab some food and to watch the sea turtles come in to sleep on the beach for the night.

And this morning, Monday morning on February 6th, I am waking up on the beautiful tropical island of Kauai with a slower pace. The only thing on my agenda this morning is grabbing coffee and heading up the coast to a beach that is supposed to be abundant in sea life.

“Little Fish Cafe” - The best coffee and breakfast bagel sandwich.

In this very moment, I am certain this is where I’m supposed to be and that this is a gift from God, a break from the norm to reset and learn to be a better me.

A better version of me is what I want.

A less stressed version of me.

A work smarter, not harder, version of me.

I want to be a happier more supportive mother and I want to love my friends and family better.

So good morning Kauai!

Good morning beaches!

Good morning sunshine!

We drove up the coast to the north side and found Tunnels Beach. I almost fell asleep on my beach towel because it was so relaxing! I was so happy to find a little bit of time to breathe in the sea air and soak in some sun.

Then when we were about to leave we discovered why this beach was called “Tunnels beach” when we saw a cave on the other side of the road from where the beach was. It was really neat, but also kind of scary to be in a cave under a mountain and then learned that they had torrential rains a few days before.

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After exploring the caves, we decided to go back to Poipu beach for a little bit and eat some dinner at Brenneckes. Here I had the best seafood risotto, I’ve ever had. Seafood shipped in to AZ or Colorado simply does not compare to freshly caught and thus this was why it was the best I ever had. It was so good, I had it boxed up to eat the next day.


Tuesday at Waimea Canyon


In 24 Hours I will be on a plane!