You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup

Boy did I learn this lesson this month when I got sick the middle of December with Covid and it took me until now to finally feel better. I am finding more and more that when I let my cup get so empty that I have no energy, it defeats the purpose of being useful to people in a massive way. I am not useful to anyone when I have drained myself to where I can’t function. I have spent the last week focusing on gaining back my energy after being ill from Covid. And I am finally feeling better! THANK GOD!

I am learning quickly that I can’t do it all and that I need to make time for myself. These last few days have been trying as I’ve had to trouble shoot many problems that if things were working normally I would have been so much more productive. For starters I had to make a special trip down to Denver to trouble shoot some camera gear I recently bought. Then I was on the phone half the day with Apple support during a time I was supposed to design a client’s ads. These delays with my time start to make me feel agitated, especially when it means I have to work into the evening instead of hanging out with my kids, but this is life as a single mom who owns her own business. While I might be there to take my kid to the dentist or see a cross country meet, It often means to experience those, I have to work evenings. But at least most of the time I get to enjoy it from the comfort of my basement office couch. <— And that is where I have to remember how blessed I am as many would love to be able to do what I’m doing now.

So let me remember that even when I feel that I am stretched thin sometimes, there are many parts of my life that are a blessing, and being able to work from home, is a big one!


Being Caught Up. Something Borrowed. Eye sight


Deuteronomy 31:8