Today is My Birthday
I am 43 years old today. My husband ordered me a Chic-Fil-A breakfast before I even officially got out of bed and the kids had cards and gifts waiting for me on the kitchen island. It was nice to be showered by gifts first thing when I woke up this morning and even better to read my kids’ heartfelt cards.
It’s been a rough few weeks as I am recovering from hernia surgery, but more than that it’s been a rough year.
There’s been so many adjustments we’ve had to make. Every aspect of my life changed within a 6 week time frame.
Mike and I have been through a lot this last year…our first year of marriage. We are growing through some things that many people have to grow through when they get married. For starters, blending a family.
There’s a lot of effort that takes place when you blend a family and this is where Satan can come in and divide you right when you are trying to bond and build lasting memories. First there’s a lot of rules that your family has built up over the years that have to be broken to allow other people in to your family unit. For example that special thing you do with your kid on a Thursday night every week might now have to include other kids. Or the money you spend on one kid might have to be shared between all the other kids because money is tighter the more people you have in your family. Which leads to the issue of finances. That can be really hard especially when you have different income levels and different spending habits or different things that you deem cheap or expensive that you’d never buy if it was just yourself that you were thinking about.
You go from being single and being the decision maker over yourself and your kids to now having to compromise with another person and his kids. That’s a lot of adjusting.
The only thing that has made this all bearable is that Mike and I work together. We work together in ministry and that is how I see the rest of our lives going. We are on the same mission for the same cause and that feels great.
I have two high schoolers starting school next week at a much closer school than last year which will take a lot of stress off of us and tomorrow my middle schooler starts school. I am hoping and praying this next year is much easier on us than it’s been.
God I know you test us, and you are testing Mike and I right now. Lord help me to push on, to have confidence in myself and to be renewed with new energy every day for the life I want to live which is ultimately a life I want to glorify you. Help us to get through this season. I know we will have hard things in every season, but we need a miracle from you, today, right now Lord.