Jeremiah 17:7
“Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.”
Yesterday, I was driving in the car with my husband running some errands and feeling very distraught over the massacre that is happening in Israel. My husband has extensive biblical knowledge and I wasn’t understanding why God would allow babies to get murdered this way and feeling very much like I didn’t deserve the blessings in my own life because so many others are suffering. I felt this same way with things happening in the Ukraine and its hard for myself to see why God doesn’t just perform some miracle and rain down fire on the evil all around the world. Mike helped me to see it from a different perspective. That God is all knowing and we are not and we as humans, as only humans can do, try to rationalize God and if we can’t figure out why things did or didn’t happen we blame him. The truth is, our knowlege is very miniscule compared to God’s infinite knowledge. This helped me to understand a little, but my heart still aches for any injustice.
I still kept thinking, why do I deserve a new start? Why do I deserve anything I have? And guilt crept in…
I came downstairs this morning to make a cup of tea and this verse was one I shuffled to. Someone gifted me a deck of cards that have an uplifting verse on it a few Christmases ago and I’ve used this wonderful gift for devotion time. I have believed that the right card is revealed for me at the right time with the right verse and I can’t help but believe God wanted me to see THIS verse THIS morning with everything that has been weighing on my heart lately.
“Blessed are those who TRUST in the Lord…” while the doubt of what God is doing or not doing in my life can leave me puzzled at times, I do believe he has mine and my children’s best interest at heart, whether its a lesson we need to learn, or its a blessing only due to our TRUST, HOPE and CONFIDENCE IN HIM. Not out of my own hard work, or out of my own skill or knowledge, or confidence in my self..all of which has been given to me by God. So when I read, “God will bless those who TRUST” in Him and his will for my life is to do good and receive good.
I may never be able to explain to people why tragedies happen to good people, but I can tell them that if they TRUST in God and help others to know God that God will BLESS them and USE THEM to further His kingdom.
While my heart will always hurt for the injustices of the world, we need to remember everything Job lost…and how he repented and praised the Lord. Then God blessed him with more Children and more wealth. All God wanted was Job’s heart.
Lord I remember there was one time where I was very angry with you for some added expenses due to car trouble and some issues that I was having with an important relationship in my life and I didn’t understand how you could allow that to happen. I know that I was wrong for being angry at you. I have seen how much you have blessed my life since then.