Blind Spots
Blind spots are just that….spots you can’t see no matter how hard you try. I’ve reviewed scenarios in my head dozens of different ways to produce a different outcome….however that outcome never has me at fault. Because I can’t see them. I can’t see my own fault in something until it gets massively out of control and then it’s all brought up to me in an explosion of frustration. Which by the way is something I do to other people as well…I hold in all the frustration and then I explode.
What happens is I get embarrassed over the mistake, then I want to hide from it or pretend it didn’t happen…not learn from it, grow or be better. I assume I am already supposed to be perfect so if there’s anything else I need to learn that shows a flaw in me and I don’t want it exposed or people to notice. It insults me. If I just re-read what I wrote that is the very definition of being immature.
Now isn’t that a gut punch for a 42 year old woman?
But now here’s the revelation….I have seen how I handle certain things…seeing and then doing nothing about it is where you stay the same immature person you’ve been. But seeing and then working on those thought processes, reactions, feedback….that is where you grow!
And now isn’t that what life is all about? The journey, the growth, the transformation?
So why should there be shame in making mistakes? If we can get past the shame which holds us back and in an unhealthy pattern, we can really come into our true selves.
That has to be my goal going forward…ditch the shame.
It can be a challenging realization to come to terms with the fact that one may not always see their own mistakes. Despite our best efforts to be thorough and attentive, the inherent biases and subjectivity we carry can create blind spots in our ability to identify errors in our actions, thoughts, or decisions. This cognitive limitation highlights the importance of seeking feedback from others and remaining open to constructive criticism. By acknowledging this limitation, we can cultivate a mindset of continuous growth and improvement, ultimately refining our ability to learn from our mistakes and become better versions of ourselves.