Psalm 23:1-3

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.”

Father in heaven! You are my promise. Whatever troubles or difficulties we have on this earth, they will not remain. We will not live in struggle forever for you have overcome them all. Our hope and promise is in you Lord and you alone are the answer to our prayers. You work through us. If we focus on you and your word, we will succeed. We may not be perfect, we may fall of the horse or make mistakes from time to time, but with you as our center, we can fulfill the works you’ve set us out to do.

We need to always remember we are here for a purpose trouble will arise and it’s often a test of whether we turn to our own strengths and understanding to do things, or do we turn to you. Through you we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. You’ve got us. You are holding us up to the finish line even when we feel like we can’t finish…you are there with us.


9 months later…


James 5:16