What is True Faith?
I have been struggling with my faith lately. Not faith that God exists. I know that already, even demons know God exists. But really believing that God wants good things for me and that God can forgive my careless, terrible mistakes and wants me to prosper when we put the will of God first. I struggle sometimes with thinking I mess up too much or too often for God to really want to bless me or use me. That He merely tolerates my existence.
It’s easy for me to see how God loves others and blesses them and I feel most other people deserve that blessing over me. I’ve often felt unqualified, judged, condemned and unworthy of God’s love.
But what we fail to see often over and over again, is that God is love and we judge ourselves with human hearts and human knowledge and often that would put many of us into the unworthy category.
But God loves us not because of who we are, but because of who HE is. He loves us not because of our character, but because of His, and the best thing we can do is stay on mission, accept God’s love and provision and keep moving forward into God’s will.
I’ve had some dark days in my youth, in my past and I’ve often believed the lies the devil or other human beings have told me and I’m done with believing those lies.
It’s funny how easily we forget our blessings. We forget God’s goodness when we are going through difficult times. When we mess up and think we are suddenly unworthy of His love. We are not. He asks us to keep coming back to him over and over again, to keep making Him a priority and to keep pushing forward through those difficult times.
So faith isn’t just believing God exists, as it says in Hebrews 11:1, faith is having confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. That is faith. I may not know what the end of this year will unfold, but I do know one thing. My creator does and he wants me to be assured by his provision to see me through the challenges I will have. That is faith.
…and that can often be the hardest thing for some of us to believe in.
But God said His burden is light and his yoke is easy, so we must simply let go of the unbelief and believe.