9 months later…

So Mike and I have been married for 9 months! What’s it been like?

In one word…..


Life changed pretty much overnight.

It was just me and the boys.

Then overnight it went from 3 of us to 5 of us.

We moved an hour away and after a month of commuting up to Loveland for work, the church Mike works at interviewed me for a job opening they had there and now we work together and it’s one of the best things ever! If that wasn’t an answer to prayer I don’t know what was.

God has blessed us.

We have a beautiful home. The boys have a church family that loves them and our work is very rewarding, but very demanding and time consuming. Sometimes it feels like that’s all we do. But it’s at least work we are doing for His kingdom and there’s no greater reward than that.

While we are still trying to figure out school stuff for the boys and carpools, transportation for their activities, etc; when we look at the blessings of our lives, it is certainly something God could only have orchestrated based on a prayer I said to God 3 months after my divorce. My prayer was that if I were to marry again I’d want that man to be a God fearing man that worked in ministry in some capacity and months later I met him, and then dated him for a little while and fast forward to a life I could only ever appreciate after having gone through what I went through as a child and in my first relationships.

I’m grateful I have a husband that I can pray with. A husband I can work with. A husband that is caring and thoughtful and someone whom I will try not to take for granted.

Thank you, Lord!


Ephesians 1:7


Psalm 23:1-3