Psalm 145:14
“The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.”
Papa, I am realizing more and more my faults. The ones others hold a mirror to. Sometimes we can’t see it until others point it out. And often when they point it out, our first reaction is to be offended. Or….that’s a problem with them. But I do believe God put us on this planet to help each other and if others didn’t help us improve in some way. We probably would be happy in our little comfort zones. One thing I have come to realize is that God doesn’t necessarily want us to live comfortable easy lives. We all fall into this thinking that if only we “had” this status, or a certain income, a certain car, etc…that life will be set and you’ll have no problems after you obtain it.
The one thing I know for certain is this…if you are living….you will have problems you will have to overcome. God is going to take you out of this world when he is finished with you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. You could eat really healthy to live a long time or have a great body, you could save your whole life for that big thing you want, but ultimately it will only happen if it’s in God’s will. We try to do so many things in our power alone….but we have to realize at the end of the day, God is in control. While I might have an amazing goal in mind and it might be one that God would approve of but the timing is off…it will fail no matter what you do if God has something else planned. This doesn’t mean don’t try or don’t care. This means leaving God as the designer and master of all things and accepting that you are his tool. He is the potter and you are the clay and he’s going to mold in you what he desires. Don’t fight it.