Matthew 6:25
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is life not more than food, and the body more than clothes?”
I find it so easy to worry. To wonder if I’m doing all I can to ensure my future, to build into my savings, to provide for my children, to teach my children all they need to know before they become adults. I think it’s in our nature to worry. However if we truly trust and believe God’s plan for our lives and learn to follow his will, we won’t let worry consume us.
When we let it consume us it shows a lack of faith.
I find that during the times I fail to pray or journal or spend time with God in some way, I worry more often.
The truth is worrying doesn’t benefit us. It paralyzes our minds and keeps us from being happy or listening for God’s instructions.
I needed to read a verse like this today. I woke up feeling panicked, worried about something that takes self control and discipline and worried about conflict with others and how to get through this particular thing without making an enemy out of the person I love. My struggles are different from others. It doesn’t make me any better or worse, it’s just the way God designed us.
Papa, I pray that you help me to influence, to guide the ones I love in a loving non-judgmental way, that we will see the results we are looking for when we follow what you ask us to do, that we will be a good steward of the money you put in our hands, that we learn not to attack one another, but to talk to, respect, listen to, and help each other to do better in the areas that we struggle, especially when one struggle seems to have a large impact. Lord, we know you are always our safety net, but teach us to do better, plan better and be more responsible. Teach us to endure a little penny pinching, teach us to be disciplined so that later we can enjoy the fruits of that labor.