Hebrews 11:1

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Papa help me to have faith. I can look back at my life and see where it didn’t make sense that things worked out…that only You could have made it work out and make sense. Every day you have given me is a blessing…even the bad things…help me learn and to be better, do better, think better. I never want to think I know it all, or that I am in more control than I am. I want to always be learning and evolving. Help me to get a grasp of this new business we have acquired so that I can help Mike run it well. It has me scared right now. If we didn’t make any changes, we would be paying the previous owner to run the business. We are not making any profit yet and that is pretty scary. But Lord, we felt it was a risk we needed to take so that we could be where we feel you wanted us. I know that if I apply my own logic to what I think is going on in my life and others…I would be half right, but probably half wrong. The truth is we don’t know our future….we can plan for it, but it doesn’t mean you don’t have other plans for us. Help me to be a good wife, a good mother, a good business owner, a good friend and to live life to the full while helping people find and follow Jesus. I’m learning so much lately and I know I can’t do it on my own. I need You.

Thank you Lord for all of your blessings upon us, I know we don’t deserve them!


Hebrews 6:19


Zephaniah 3:17