The Chosen
I’ve been fascinated with “The Chosen” since I first heard it needed funding to get off the ground back in 2019 at the height of so much change in my life…divorce.
Divorce was scary. That took a lot of faith not knowing how I was going to make it as a single mom of two boys in the entrepreneurial world.
But I did.
God even used an atheist to help make ends meet for me.
God has a way of sweeping in and cleaning up messes and setting us back on the right paths.
I watched a few episodes of “The Chosen” that were released from season one and I was immediately captivated by this way of learning the bible. Sometimes words on a page can leave out so much, or leave so much to suggestion that makes you have more questions about the bible than answers. I’m now watching season 4 and as I learn more and more what God is trying to do through Jesus, the more I realize I sometimes buy into what the world calls “successful”, “rich”, “powerful”, “strong” is actually the mere opposite in God’s eyes.
After all, why would he send a baby born in a stable to a virgin woman betrothed to Joseph to save the world? He didn’t want us to ever think a good life meant being all powerful, having all the riches, or all the fame. That’s why our Savior was born in the most humble of places to the most humble people.
In America (at least), teens are obsessed with fame, want to build Youtube channels so they can become instafamous and even back in the early 1900’s Satan has creatively woven in that a person hasn’t reached their full selves until they are rich and famous. I have fallen into the same thinking from time to time.
I think this is why it is said that when we fall onto hard times we grow closer to God. Satan will use a person’s riches, fame, successes to distance a person from God, because if they have all that, why do they need God, and God will allow Satan to do certain things.
When you think about the life Jesus lead on earth, constantly persecuted, misunderstood and hated by religious leaders, God wanted a savior to come to us that we could relate to. That had been through things we’ve been through. We have to know that when we pray to a God to help us through things we struggle with, (that His son), Jesus Christ, suffered with us.
What could you ever give to God that He hasn’t made or built himself? That’s why God only wants one thing from us…our hearts.
And if he has our hearts, he knows we will do His will. We will go into the world making it a better place doing the things Jesus did for people. Maybe we can’t heal the blind, but we can help the blind, feed the poor, grieve with a widow, help a single parent out. Share the love of Jesus with someone…that’s what God wants from us.
Humans fail to grasp this concept. This is what I fail to grasp from time to time and if I’m to be perfectly honest…I’ve learned this all just now at the age of 43! I’ve been attending church since the age of 16 and only now is it clearer to me than it has ever been before.
I plan on writing some things down for me to read each morning when I wake up to help me really grasp that it’s not the end until I’m with Jesus in heaven. My lot on earth could be terrible…but my treasure is eternity in heaven.