What’s your word?

I think I want my word for 2023 to be “peace”.

Here’s the thing though….we cannot pray for peace….it’s like praying for “patience” if you pray for it, God gives you more things you have to be patient about. It’s God’s little trick. ;)

So how do we grasp and hold on to the peace we want in life?

We have to “cultivate” it.

If we are connected to God, we can cultivate this no matter how big our problems may seem. It’s easier said than done but the hardest part of this is being OK with the outcome.

When the outcome is not what we have envisioned or hoped for, we get discouraged.

We don’t want to relinquish control because we already have our hearts set on a certain outcome. We dream, we plan, And when our dreams are dashed, we wonder what went wrong, except sometimes it just simply wasn’t in God‘s plan for us, and there’s nothing we could’ve done to change it. The lesson is in enjoying the journey and learning what the outcome hast to teach us. Maybe it’s not a matter of giving up the dream, but realizing there might be another route to it.

So tapping into the peace that God wants us to have is learning to be OK with whatever the outcome. This doesn’t mean we don’t wake up and put effort into our goals and dreams. God designed us to work and strive. We are born to be challenged so we can grow. We just have to let God lead that work, and know that God sees the whole picture. God sees what we can’t see, and maybe He’s trying to protect us from a freight train.

I’ve done things “my” way for so long…and while I’ve had some success, I know my true success comes from having peace in all situations. Peace with raising my children, peace with my love life and friendships, peace with my business and business opportunities.

One of my biggest struggles right now is lack of physical energy. from when I contracted Covid back on December 15th. It is December 27th and I still lack physical energy to do much.

When I think about it, I know God might be forcing me to rest, rest is always hard for me, because I feel guilty when I take time for myself.

This forced rest is honestly probably a gift from God and I have to have peace in that knowing God will provide for me and supply the energy I need to get things done. Worrying about it does me no favors. I need to ask myself what this time of slowness is teaching me?

What do you want your word to be for 2023?


Romans 8:39


A Slower Pace. Friends. Nourishment