Romans 8:39
Romans 8:39 “Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God.”
Papa, I read something today about a book called “The Good and Beautiful God”, now I don’t know if this story was in the book, but the story associated with this book is about a little girl at her birthday party getting gifts from friends. One at a time she opened up the gifts from her friends only to find out that she didn’t like the gift her friend gave her and she didn’t hide her feelings about those gifts at all. She snubbed every gift given to her and her parents were quite embarrassed by her actions. The people attending the party didn’t say anything but it made one person attending wonder how the child could be so inconsiderate to her friends and friend’s parents who got her those gifts. Upon reflection, this person felt a jab, a prompting in their soul. “Are you so different from this little girl? Do you snub the gifts God gives you?” As I read this, I realized wow…it’s so easy to miss the daily gifts God gives us always wanting something more.
One thing I have come to realize about God, if you don’t appreciate what you have now, obtaining more is very unlikely to make you happier…you’ll always be striving to obtain more than what you have…and that is the curse of an unhappy life. So upon reflection of this story and this bible verse, Romans 8:39, “Nothing in all creation will ever e able to separate us from the love of God”, I have to see every waking moment, every trial, every time of rest, ever drop of gas in my car, every spoonful of food that enters my mouth, every breath as a gift from God. When we can be happy with what we currently have, we allow more to come into our lives.
Many people believe they start living when they’ve found that significant other that will complete them, or when they obtain more money, or when they go on that vacation. If you are always waiting to be happy….you’ll never truly be happy. Happiness is finding contentment in the here and now of your life.
What little things bring you contentment and help you realize that God loves you?