Four Habits to Unlearn

Often when we find ourselves in situations where we are stressed it’s because we are not communicating a boundary or we’ve learned an unhealthy way of dealing with things. Here’s a few things to change.

  1. Relying on others to make you feel fullfilled - This one is hard. We love people and if you are an extrovert you tend to feel fullfilled when you are around people. Or if you have a significant other or husband, you may find that your fulfillment lies in being with them. I mean think about it, when you have a husband you spend every day with this person…it’s hard not to get attached to the point of not knowing what you would do without them. But a healthy person can spend time away from them. A healthy person can be alone and love being alone.

  2. Saying yes to every request you get - This is also hard, especially if you are a people pleaser. But saying yes “ALL THE TIME” can burn you out and even make you resentful. It’s okay to politely decline to protect your time, your mood and your sanity.

  3. Not taking or asking for help when you need it - Often, we think we need to do it all ourselves! Asking for help affords others the opportunity to fullfill a love language that may speak to your friendship. People want to help because they want to know that you’ll also be there for them when they are in need.

  4. Adding more things to your to-do list than you can accomplish - When you overload your schedule you are playing with stress. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

While I write this, I know all of these are things I still need to work on. It’s often that the reason I am stressed out is because I’ve set myself up to be stressed out by attempting too much, not saying no, having unrealistic expectations of others, or not asking for help. Hoping you can relate and find a way closer toward peace in your life by removing some of these unhealthy things.


Psalm 23:1-3


Romans 8:39