Faith over Fear
As we enter the final stage…one week until closing day…on both houses. Fear is starting to rise in me. Can we do this? Is this smart. Are we being too risky? Will I get it all done? Do I have support? What about the haters? What do I give voice to? Do I let the past creep in and influence my future decision making based on a fear?
I think it’s how the devil wants us to live…to live in fear, to not take risks, to play it safe…to do nothing you would have to ask God for help for, to carve a path or make a way for. I mean why would the devil want you to pray?
So our saboteurs teach us to never do anything outside of our own power, because certainly the power of almighty God will not come to help aid or save you? You aren’t worth it! That saboteur is the devil.
As my fiancé and I plan our lives together it’s easy to do everything safely. After all we are taught to be safe and cautious and only do things within our own power…but what we don’t realize is that even every breath we take is granted and given to us by God. That electricity that pumps through our body keeping our heart beating and our lungs expanding, where do you think that comes from?
He put it in us and he can take it out of us whenever he wants.
While I do think God tells us to be smart, and warns us, the Holy Spirit does give us a feeling or some discernment, But, if we always do the “safe” thing, then we don’t allow ourselves to have a God story. The story we tell people that “only with God’s power were we able to accomplish this, endure this, overcome this thing.
Everything is changing for us, house, schools, location, marriage, blending a family its all new and scary and fear would tell me that all marriages end up the same and maybe I’m heading for another divorce, but faith tells me the man I have chosen loves me, will be a good spiritual leader of our family and that helps me to see that even if there are things that fail for us…with God’s grace, we will get through it, we will overcome it and we will prosper if we allow God to give us an “only with God” story.