Romans 8:28

Romans 8:28 “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God.”

Papa, this is a very popular verse…and when you are in emotional pain from a loss, it’s hard to believe that things will work together for my good. But one thing I have to remember is what is “good” for me, is not always what I want. Sometimes what I “want” is what is bad for me.

And then we still have to remember that bad things happen to good people, cancer, the death of a loved one, a lost job. How could a lost job ever be good for anyone? Maybe it’s the opportunity for more flexible work, or more pay. But in this verse it says, all things work together for good for those who love God.

While joy may not come in the midst of this pain, Job sat in his pain for while. He let himself feel and his friends sat with him in it and said nothing while he was grieving.

So let grief in. Feel it, sit in it. Don’t hide it or try to “get over it”. If you do that, you will prolong your grief and often people who stuff or hide their grief hide it with an addiction…or something that becomes an addiction. That addiction ends up replacing that person or loss. Let yourself feel it so you can have the strength to move on from it and live the life God wants you to live.


The Art of being Happy


Garage Doors. Friends. Flexibility