Garage Doors. Friends. Flexibility
When I was in counseling I learned that a part of creating a healthy mind was to find at least 1 thing every day to be grateful for. Whether that’s simply gas in my tank, or the birds chirping in the morning. I learned that a heart of gratitude can truly shape the way you think and view the world around you. I have learned that there is always something to be grateful for.
So today, here’s a list of things I am truly grateful for:
A working garage door. I was loading something really long and awkward into my car, and leaned it against the garage door railing. I didn’t realize in that moment, I would disengage the chain from the motor. I loaded the car, backed out of the garage and attempted to close the garage door and it wouldn’t close. I sent my son Braidy over to the button in the garage to close it and it still wouldn’t close. That’s when I realized what I did. We were on our way to a friend’s house for dinner, but did realize that I could manually close the garage door. This afternoon, I took a ladder up, and was able to re-engage the chain with the safety hook/motor and it works again! So I am thankful that I didn’t have to pay anyone to fix this and I could do it myself.
Friends. I was grateful to have a meal with a lady and her family on Christmas Eve who has become very dear to me. She has prayed for me and with me and she loves my kids too.
Flexibility with my schedule. Being a single parent can be really hard especially if you have to be there to pick them up after school, and run them everywhere. Managing a full time job and being a parent these days is really difficult and I have the ability to set my own schedule for the most part because I work for myself. That is truly a gift not a lot of people are able to do! God has given that to me, and I can’t be anything but grateful for it. But I have worked extremely hard to get to this point.