Our Wedding Day
I am writing this post in September. Three months after we got married!
Let’s just say life has been crazy and the need for sleep and rest…recovery has been real.
But God showed up in big ways over these last 3 months.
Let’s recap!
Our wedding day.
I did have a little bit of pre-wedding jitters. Everything leading up to this day with moving was stressful, but today I had vowed to put those things aside and marry the man that I knew God wanted me to serve his kingdom with.
Planning this day was challenging because we battled months of rain all while trying to buy a house, pack and move. It was one of the most stressful times of my life. Every day felt like an uphill climb. While our wedding day was sweet and simple, celebrated with close friends, the weeks leading up to that day were exhausting and the weeks after moving in and trying to find a rhythm with our newly blended family were challenging as well.
But that afternoon we set aside time to celebrate our love with our close friends and family. It was a sweet reminder that something can be amazing and very meaningful, but also sweet and simple.
Mike and I said I do alongside the Poudre river in Fort Collins where we met.
Close friends at the Poudre River on our wedding day.
We had a little reception at our friend’s house and it was perfect. We didn’t spend a lot of money we just did what we could to include the people we loved most in that moment where we exchanged vows.
Life Since Then…
The biggest things have been conquering big projects as a couple. Our moving day was delayed by 16 days! We were supposed to move in a week before we got married giving Mike’s parents a place to stay. But we couldn’t close on our new home because our lenders failed to submit our application to the VA department until the day after our closing day. It was a mess. I was supposed to stay with my friends for just one night and ended up being there for 2 and a half weeks, all with just the clothes on our backs and one overnight bag to last us those two weeks. I had to buy essentials and new clothes for the kids. On the positive side, we became closer to these amazing friends who have become more like family to us for letting us stay in their basement for that time period.
Mike’s amazing parents and the best in-laws ever.
God also has come through for us in other ways as well. I used to commute up to Loveland for work daily, which was about a one hour drive. But a position opened up at a wonderful church with my husband and the best part is I get to work with my best friend, do work that is right up my ally, and what my degree is in and the best part is I get to do it for the kingdom! There’s no greater blessing than being able to wake up each day knowing the work you do could help bring people closer to Jesus. I have longed for quite some time now to have my life fully aligned with God’s purpose and I feel like I’m finally there.
The boys are happy and loving this new life as we learn how to be step parents to each other’s kids. It hasn’t been easy adjusting, but we are all finding our place. Mike is building into the boys their sense of self and teaching them how to be men, something I really truly can’t do.
As a wife, mother and Christian on mission, I am fully ready to embrace these next chapters of my life. With kids starting middle school and high school, sports and church, everyone’s schedules are already challenging, but that’s where we lean to God for guidance while we try to raise 3 God fearing boys in today’s world. JJ is finding his place on the production team at church and in cross country in High school.
Gearing up for rove camera so he can take awesome shots of the band.
Assistant directing a service! (He’s kind of following in my footsteps)
In fact, he’s doing pretty good for a freshman. These last two races, he moved up from JV to varsity! It’s crazy to see my freshman running with all the upper classmen. He might be small, but he’s fast enough to run with the big guys.
Braidy is in middle school and seems to have a good group of friends at school. As the youngest he does seem to feel left out a lot since the older two boys are in the same grade and have the same group of friends. But Braidy has been going to youth group and we are hoping he finds a buddy or two there.
Ethan is doing well. He’s my stepson and he loves teaching Braidy all about basketball. Ethan has grown up playing lacrosse and basketball and hopes to one day play for the NBA. They have enjoyed their freshman years so far attending football games and hanging out with friends. Ethan is also gearing up to get his permit soon and is a good driver.
While our main focus these last few months have been developing healthy family routines, the true challenge will be battling what the world is telling our boys verses what God is telling them. Helping them see that is quite the challenge!
Pray for us on this journey. It’s not an easy one!