19 days until we move!
So, yesterday the appraiser came by and did the evaluation. Now we wait to make sure that is approved. In the meantime, we have been packing some boxes here and there and preparing for a move…a move to a new home in the Thornton area and preparing to be a blended family with my soon to be husband and step-son. I can’t wait for this next season of my life.
The last hiccup I feel is the appraisal. The appraisal deadline is Tuesday. I am praying that it happens without a hitch and we move right into the next thing that needs to be done.
All the while I am working at JZI, I’m packing boxes here and there and preparing for our wedding day which is 10 days after the boys and I move into our new home!
I am imagining life now with my new husband…for awhile there seemed to be too many obstacles in my path to imagine it. It was almost easier for me to envision that something bad would happen so I didn’t fall so hard. I didn’t want my dreams to be shattered…so I put dreaming aside and simply focused on the steps it took to get to those dreams. Fix the the bathroom door and faucet, get through the home inspection and the radon testing, the title, the appraisal…all of it just seemed like a mountain to climb and I was starting with little to no energy. But I am feeling that energy come back! I’m finally getting excited about my future, my new friends in the Denver area and the love of my life.