New Tires. Chic-Fil-A Iced Coffee. Easy Amazon Returns

New Tires. Chic-Fil-A. Easy Amazon Returns
  1. New tires - I had to get new all season tires last year and they were still under warranty. My rear passenger tire was 5 pounds under pressure. I filled it up a few weeks ago and it lost air again within a few weeks. Because of the warranty, I didn’t have to pay much, plus they replaced all my wiper blades too.

  2. Chic- Fil-A Iced Coffee - Okay Chic Fil-A makes the best cold brew coffee, I would say maybe better than Starbucks! Crazy for a Chicken place right?

  3. Easy Amazon returns - I ordered a gimbal for one of my cameras for my business and it didn’t work with my canon. It was very disappointing. I did end up finding one that is supposed to work with my camera, but I’m grateful I was able to box this back up and easily return it. The new one I found was $100 bucks cheaper too and looks lighter.


Jeremiah 29:11


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