Isaiah 40:31

“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.”

Papa, I have spent much of my life hoping in worldly things. More money, more time, romance etc. But hoping in the lord is different. Many people in biblical times worshiped or put their hope in Statues that men made and called them Gods. How silly is it to worship something a man has made instead of worshiping the One that has created us and all things?!

We do the same thing, no we may not bow down to a statue, but when we worship money or other things we are doing the same thing.

So I want to put my hope in my creator. The one who made me and know that he is working all things out for my good.

He wants me well, so he provides me nourishment.

He wants me rested, and I have a bed.

He wants me warm and clothed, and I have those things.

I have clients to work with, so he is providing for me monetarily. No I may never be a millionaire, but he is providing the riches of life that I need.

We are often like little children. If our children want to eat five bowl of ice cream, will we let them? No! That wouldn’t be good for them.

God knows what is good for us and may not give us what we WANT, but he’ll always give us what we need.

And part of cultivating peace this new year, my word for this year is believing I already have everything God wants me to have and if I’m in alignment with God, I need to believe that and believing that gives me the peace of mind I need. God knows more about what is best for me than I do.


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